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Who am I?

I am a recent graduate in desperate need of a hobby to take my mind off the stressors of being an actual adult. The goal was to have time away from a computer screen, but we can all see how well that went. I have interests in marketing, public relations, writing, traveling, listening to podcasts, online shopping, looking at Glossier's website... You get the point. 


If you're curious about my expertise in the things I blog about, I'm sorry to let you down. Like the majority of you, I'm still trying to figure out this thing called Life. I  share what works for me and what really does not work for me, so we can all keep improving. If it makes any difference, I listen to a lot of podcasts and watch a lot of YouTube videos all centered around furthering careers and being happy.


If you have any questions at all, feel free to ask away! I started a blog, so trust me, I like to hear myself write.

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