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Survive the First Week of Classes

And we're back, baby! Spring semester has come once again and guess what? You're not the only one who doesn't feel prepared. But lucky for you, I have a few things that will help ease the transition from winter break hibernation to quizzes, exams and papers, OH MY.

1. Make a list

No I swear I'm not kidding with this one. I am a big believer in The List. Getting back into school mode can be stressful, and not knowing what you need to get done only adds to that discomfort. So take out a pen and paper (or let's be honest, your laptop) and start writing down every. single. thing. that you need to get done. It sounds daunting, but trust me. As soon as you start making the list you'll be able to recognize the difference between the hundreds of things you want to get done (do your nails, buy a new planner) and the things you need to get done (order textbooks, apply for graduation... can't believe I just said that).

2. Organize your planner

Speaking of planners, it's time to get yours in check. People who say they don't need a planner to keep their life in order are liars. I'm sorry, but there is no way around it. Take 30 minutes out of your day and sit down, uninterrupted, and start filling it in. What to put in your planner? Exams, quizzes and homework (including the assignment you have that you could do eight weeks in a row and still forget on that ninth week that it's due). Then your work schedule, dates your traveling and big weekends at your college (fests, I'm looking at you). Finally, don't forget the club meetings, coffee dates and happy hours (because we all know that's why you're really at school).

3. See your friends

It is so important to make the time to see your friends that first week back. This can be the hardest thing to do because it is the easiest to push back. "Sorry I can't hang out, I just found out I have a paper due/scheduled at work/need to clean because I'm stressed/you get the point." Even if it's just a half hour between classes, friends are what keep you sane through college and you need to make the time for them. And what better way to feel closer to a friend, then to bond over how wildly unprepared you two are??

Still not convinced the first week can actually be a stress-free breeze? Here is a list of items you really shouldn't stress about, because they will work out.

  • Your teacher hasn't sent a single email: yeah this will happen, yeah it will suck, but yeah you'll still have class.

  • Your work schedule coincides with your party schedule: not as big a deal as you think, just go after your shift.

  • Getting lost: ehh everyone gets lost at some point, just leave a bit earlier on that first day of class.

  • To buy or not to buy the textbook: 9/10 times don't buy the book.

  • When you write in blue ink in your planner instead of the usual black: or this might just be me? Anyway, if this happens... buy a new planner.

  • No friends in your classes: you'll make friends, or at the very least you'll get a random-assigned group and bond over the fact that no one knows anyone in the class.

And there it is, three ways to not feel like you're drowning that first week back. What's your top tip? Leave it in the comments below!


1. Make The List

2. Organize your planner, aka organize your life

3. Make the time to see your friends. You're not going to live down the street from them forever.


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