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Simple Ways to Practice Self Care

Happy Valentine's Day, ladies and gents! Here it is- the season of love. Valentine's Day is not just a day for couples (I know, I know, that is exactly what someone in a relationship would say). It is a day where everyone has the excuse to show each person in their lives just a bit more love than usual. And, plot twist, that includes you. I believe self love is something you have to practice and something you will never be a pro at, but it is well-worth your time. Here are my favorite ways to practice self care for anyone who needs a bit of help with loving themselves.

1. Yoga

I have recently fallen in love with yoga. One of the best things you can do for your body is to meditate, but I find meditation difficult and frankly not that enjoyable. Yoga is a way for me to meditate while still moving my body and having a physical end goal in mind. Listening to your breath and internally scanning your body are part of both yoga and meditation. Yoga will help clear your mind and lift your spirits, all while getting a good workout in.

*Yoga with Adriene is my absolute favorite yogi to follow along with.

2. Full Pamper Routine

I'm talking face masks, shaving your legs, washing your hair, painting your nails and trimming them, plucking your eyebrows- whew, I'm out of breath. Nothing lifts me from a bad mood and makes me feel better about myself more than physically caring for my body and showing it some love.

3. Fresh Air

Fresh air, and being outdoors in general, is definitely self care. Go for a walk or just sit outside and read a book. I promise you will feel better. The nice crisp air feels like a drink of cold water for your body and I recommend it.

4. Slow Mornings

Slow mornings are my absolute favorite kind of morning. I love taking my time and giving my body everything it needs and is craving in that moment. This can include a big cup of water (maybe throw in some lemon), drinking coffee, reading a book, watching YouTube videos, doing yoga and planning out your day.

5. Drink Water

'nough said. If you're still not drinking enough water, come on! It's cheap, easy to do and so so good for you.

6. Journal

Journaling is something I go through phases with. Sometimes every day, sometimes once a month. Regardless, journaling is great for your mind and body. It helps clear your thoughts, reduce stress and can even help with sleep. An important thing to keep in mind when journaling, is that there is no right or wrong way to do it. Just write what you feel.

Okay now I need you to go to your bathroom. Ahem, I am waiting... And look in the mirror, really look. Tell yourself that you are loved and beautiful and strong. Do this whenever you feel down about yourself, it's amazing what it'll do to your mood.

Happy Valentine's Day!


1. I can give you a list of 100 things to do for self care, but in the end it's up to you to find what feels good. Try these out and make a list of your favorites.

2. Tell me what your favorites are! I'm always trying out new things and love growing my list.

3. Drink some water asap. Trust me, it's good for you.

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